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Lesson 3

Using the Angular CLI


Using the Angular CLI

The Angular CLI is a super powerful tool — we’ve already gone through how to use it to generate a new project and display your application in the browser, but there are a bunch more commands you should know about too, so let’s go through some of them. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it will cover the most common and useful commands.

One thing to keep in mind for this course is that we are going to prefer to do things manually — e.g. rather than using the CLI to create a new component for us, we will create the files manually ourselves. I think this makes it seem a bit less magical and you will understand the “plumbing” of how things actually work.

Once you have a solid understanding of how things work, you can use the CLI to speed up your workflow. Personally, I still generally prefer to create things manually, but I am probably a bit of a weirdo in that regard.

Let’s get into it!


You are not going to remember everything. You can always look at the documentation for information, but you can also run the help command:

ng --help

This will list the various commands you can run. You could then get further help on a command by running help for that command, e.g:

ng generate --help

This will show you all of the various generate commands you can run.

Serving your Application

As you probably already know, you can view the Angular application that you are working on in the browser by running:

ng serve

Creating Applications

We have also already seen this command:

ng new

But there are also a bunch of flags/configuration we can pass to this command to generate applications with the specific configurations we want. For example, I already mentioned that I generally like to create my applications like this:

ng new my-app --defaults --style=scss --standalone --routing --inline-template --inline-style

If you run:

ng new --help

You can see a full list of the available flags and what they do.

NOTE: The ng new --help command needs to be run outside of an Angular project


When you are developing an application you will eventually want to add more pages/components/services than the default ones that are created with the application. To create more components you can manually create a new folder and add the required files, or you can just run the ng generate command to do it automatically for you, with some handy boilerplate code in place.

The Angular CLI can create a lot of different things for us — here is just a few:

  • component
  • directive
  • service
  • resolver
  • pipe
  • config
  • environments
  • guard

To use the command you can just run something like (using the g shorthand):

ng g component

and answer the prompt, or you can manually supply the name of your component/directive/service to the command like this (with optional configurations as well):

ng g component home


ng g component home --style=none --inline-template --standalone


ng g service shared/data-access/Settings

If you are running the manual command, make sure to supply the folder you want it to be generated in (e.g. as we have done for the service above) otherwise it will just be generated in the root folder of your application.


Angular projects used to come with environments by default, however, these are now generated manually with this generate command:

ng g environments

Run that now in a project and let’s look at what it does:

CREATE src/environments/environment.ts (31 bytes)
CREATE src/environments/environment.development.ts (31 bytes)
UPDATE angular.json (2823 bytes)

What this will allow us to do is define different configuration values depending on whether our application is in development mode (e.g. we are just serving it), or whether it is in production mode (e.g. it has been built with the ng build command).

After running this generate command, Angular will handle automatically supplying either the environment.ts file or the environment.development.ts file depending on whether the application is in development or production. We aren’t going to worry about this just now but, just to give you an idea, you might want to use this so that you can use a development database/server in development, but switch to the real one in production.

Creating a Build

As we just mentioned, when you want to create a production build of your application you can run this command:

ng build


One of the great things about Angular is its commitment to long term support/stability and helping you manage updates.

Let’s say that you want to update your Angular application from v17 to v18. Instead of managing all the package updates yourself, you can run the update command:

ng update @angular/cli @angular/core

This will update your project to the latest version of Angular. Keep in mind that the Angular team recommends that you update one major version at a time. Let’s say you haven’t touched your project in a while and now v20 is out. In this circumstance, you should run the update command for each major version. For example, if you are currently on v17 you should run:

ng update @angular/cli@^18 @angular/core@^18

Make sure everything works as you expect, and then perform the next major upgrade:

ng update @angular/cli@^19 @angular/core@^19

…and so on. Generally, these updates are going to be easier if you keep your codebase reasonably up to date with whatever the latest Angular version is, but this is not always possible (Angular generally releases a new major version every 6 months).


Another fantastic feature of the CLI is the add command. When we want to add some external package/library to our application this will involve installing some npm package. However, as well as that, we might also need to perform other configurations in our application as well.

This command allows the authors of these packages/libraries to create a schematic to do all/most of this automatically for us. For example, if we wanted to add the @angular/fire library to our project we could run:

ng add @angular/fire

…and it will automatically handle installing all of the required dependencies for us as well as guiding us through interactively configuring the application.


If you forget commands or how to use them what can you do?